Koffivi Wilfried GNAGNIKO
Stagiaire de l'UFR MIM de Metz
In a few words, can you tell us a bit more about you and your background?
My name is Koffivi Wilfried GNAGNIKO, I am Togolese, I am 21 years old and I am a student in the 3rd year of my degree at the UFR MIM at the University of Lorraine.
I had a scientific baccalaureate in Togo in 2018, after which I passed a competition to enter the Polytechnic School of Lomé, also known as the Centre for Computer
Science and Computing. Two years later, I entered the 1st year of computer science at the UFR MIM at the University of Lorraine in September 2020.
How did you hear about IT Club?
In order to complete my degree, I was looking for an internship and I told a very close friend who in turn told a friend who worked in Luxembourg. This friend was in fact in the team of my project manager, Mr. Yann PILLA, and so he talked to him about it.
What is the subject of your internship?
I had to design MyClub, a HIRS for the IT Club and its members that would allow them to save time in certain administrative procedures.
You've been here just over a month, how do you feel about your internship now?
It's clear that I have become more competent since the beginning of the internship. I was a beginner in the technologies and notions that were required for this internship and I am still far from having mastered everything. But I feel really confident because I can rely on the knowledge acquired at the university, on the team which is quite dynamic and on my supervisors. I can also mention my project manager and analyst, the technical expert and the technical architect, who provide me with their know-how and experience in order to increase my skills and develop MyClub as well as possible.
What do you plan to do after your internship?
I have a project that I want to launch. Its goal is to bring a plus to the student life of foreign students like me by using exactly the same technologies as this internship.
What is your favourite food?
Actually I have two, the first is a Togolese dish that is prepared with corn wheat and a sauce called Ademe and the second is a French dish known as lasagne au bœuf.
What is your favourite film and TV show?
My favourite movie is "John Wick 4", a real action movie and my favourite TV show is "Suits" with Harvey Specter.
What music or style of music are you listening to at the moment?
Classic American music. You can find rap, RnB and others...
If you had no constraints, what would be your ideal day?
At the moment I spend most of my free time on my financial education and I really enjoy it because I always learn a bit more each time. I buy two books on investing at the end of each month to expand my knowledge. So a good day for me would be a day where I have read one of my books, or followed a podcast on investing like Sunday nights for example or I also have the opportunity to go to church in the morning.